Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some Contrasting Images from Guatemala

Been to Antigua in the past
five years or so?
Recognize this guy?
(Answer is at the end.)
Brigittette (Little Brigitte.)
Street beggar.
Street performer
(I did this at the Folklife Festival.)
(No, I was a wizard!)
Alex, Jacques and me
Young native girl in her
"Sunday Best" Chasing bubbles.
Shoeshine Boy

Another poor street beggar.
Yoris playing with the iPod

Guy with shotgun.
(If there is money or someone important there,
 you will find at least one of these.)
Don't mind him, the church in the background is magnificent
This the guy pictured in the beginning
I first saw him 5 or 6 years ago. I think he owns this piece of the sidewalk. He begs from there (on his knees) for at least 8 hrs. A day. I've seen him joking with locals, I don't think he's down and out.

And from Lennon,
      The last word:k
    What's for dinner?

1 comment:

  1. My trips to Antigua will be sporadic the next two weeks, but >I do have credit for 7 yoga classes which will inspire me to come. I am going to try journaly in the iPod and just uploading wen <i come to town. Expect formatting and spelling errors. (nothing new)
    Ambroazos Grande
