Sunday, February 20, 2011

The bad apple story

It is Sunday Feb 20th. Last Thursday afternoon Jacques  found a note with a cell phone that had been slipped under the gate. It was an extortion note threating the death of Brigitte´s son Joris if (about) $4000 US was not paid when demanded. I plan on writing more in depth on this, but for now a short synopsis.

It is hurting me to recall the grief that ensued over the next 48 hours. Brigitte was in Guatemala City at the time, and we joined her that evening where a friend put us up in a safe house. A statement was made to the police and (whatever is the Guatemalan version of the FBI) A friend of Brigittes came to her aid with another friend  who has contacts high up in the government. (Again in US terms) The Attorney General of Guatemala is involved with this case thank to that friend. Never the less, the NGO Brigitte works for, the Dutch embassy and most others agreed that Brigitte and family should leave the county now. As I write this Brigitte and Joris are on a plane to Holland.  Jacques will be leaving Thursday. Leaving behind a house just recently completed, a Guatemalan family they were sharing life with, three horses, three cats, a dog, a car-------and much more.

I am back in Antigua, I am not a target in this affair. I have found a nice yoga studio and signed up for ten classes, and I plan on spending most of my time back in Santa Lucia with Clara and family. I want to do what I can to help Clara, Axel, Brigittette and Alex  through this transition.

I still believe in the inherent goodness of mankind, and I am still touched by the beauty and kindness of the Guatemalan people.  "Bad Apple"  is a poor analogy for this situation. It is horrendous how just a little evil can destroy the dreams and visions of two wonderful families.  Add to that the fact that Brigitte has spent her adult life devoted to bettering life for 3rd world people, and all I can say is THIS  SUCKS! 
Is there a "bright side", a "silver lining"? Right now there is too much grief here to be looking for it.
We are all safe and sound, and that is good.


  1. The bright side is that you're there and you care - and you are making so many other people aware of what's going on.

  2. Sorry to hear that story. I guess they don't know who is making the threats?

  3. WOW Ken! I'm so glad their family and you are safe. I hope they find the culprits.
