Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Ken’s brief and “tip of the iceberg”* recap of the

Great 10th annual convergence of the Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild.



Casler Farm West

It began 4 months ahead with monthly work parties with up to 8 adults and some fun loving kids. Great camp out weekends.  Kudos to the crew. (You know who you are)

Thursday (just set up crew) and Friday (More set up and some workshops) were rainy days. The Sky lodge was up and sheltering everyone from the rain on Friday night.

Rugged Crew (Notice the rain gear)

Skylodge with the Casita in the background

Our keynote speaker Dan Nanamkin inspired folks around the fire during that deluge. And he gave a great Keynote address on Saturday night. The theme- “uniting  ethnic groups, and bridging the generation gap to build a healthy and resilient world."

After Dan’s talk Saturday we moved right into some great music,  with a gifted musician from Spokane  Dario Ré, I followed him with some of my old folk songs then a lively jam session ensued. (I actually went to bed early but I heard it was a wild night.)


Saturday and Sunday we were blessed with Sun and warmth. Everybody got their wet clothes dried out with a little help from my clothes dryer.


For those of you who won’t read on I want to affirm here that this was a “Covid Aware” event.  Nobody came who was unhealthy and masks were available. We will be checking in with all the participants to assure we have not spread this virus.  Covid has changed our lives in so many ways.  There was no vote on this, but I would guess that the consensus of our group is that Covid is teaching us the importance of a tightly woven community and the need to build a regenerative world for our children.

Birdie with an admirer

Happy foragers- Many pounds collected

Skeeter leading another circle

A last word for friends of Bountiful Adventures and Cascadia Permaculture Center: Stay tuned regarding some evolution centered around wilderness and permaculture events here in North Idaho.  David Soaring Eagle is pondering grounding in and teaching/leading some great Earth centered experiences.  Here’s a link to his web page: Rhythms of Nature

Finally, Thanks to everyone who participated and our four legged friends and Michael Pilarski (Fearless Leader)


More photos can be found here at the bottom of this link: Convergence Photo Gallery


Here’s a sampling of the workshops presented at the 2020 INPG Permaculture Convergence

Building Resilience- Connecting With Our Microbiome for Soil, Plant & Human Health
Lion Waxman
Delving into the world of interconnectedness, learn about the benefits of indigenous microorganisms. To include a hands-on session on how to culture homemade probiotics.

Farmland Preservation and Regenerative Agriculture Policy
Chrys Ostrander
Chrys works with the Spokane Food Policy Council and the Spokane Farmland Preservation Working Group struggling with Babylon trying to get it to get it. He'll describe current ways of working within the system to subvert the system.

Making and Using Biochar
Jason Smith

Protecting yourself from EMFs and 5G
Brantley and friends

Working with Fungi in Permaculture Systems
Jason Smith and/or Gabe Gaul

Making Fermented Food Products. Includes hands-on Kimchi making
Wakan Zion Burrows

Plant Walk.  Identification and uses of wild plants
Michael Pilarski 

Death Café
Heidi Hampe of the Rejuvenation Sanctuary and Bryan have been doing death cafes in the Sandpoint area. Heidi is certified in Drylands Permaculture.

Hugelkulturs.  Making biomass raised beds.  Includes a hands-on
Michael Pilarski

Building Coalitions for Local Economies and Governance
Discussion session. Friday evening. 

Weeds, Invasive Plants: Control and Utilization
Discussion session


*”The iceberg is melting” No more climate change denial please. (Referring to the first heading)

You made it this far -  Good on You!  Here's an inspiration from Rudolf Steiner:

A Verse for Our Time

We must eradicate from the soul
All fear and terror of what comes towards man out of the future.

We must acquire serenity
In all feelings and sensations about the future.

We must look forward with absolute equanimity
To everything that may come.

And we must think only that whatever comes
Is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom.

It is part of what we must learn in this age,
namely, to live out of pure trust,
Without any security in existence.

Trust in the ever present help 
Of the spiritual world.

Truly, nothing else will do
If our courage is not to fail us.

And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
Every morning and every evening.