Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Berkeley the "Flashback" city for all old hippies.

I have spent a bit of time the past few days walking around the Campus of U. C. Berkeley. The Students are gone on Winter break and when you subtract the students, and the women, you get a very high percentage of Jerry Garcia look a likes wandering around the campus. (If I hadn't shave my beard off last month I would be one of them.)
What can I say?
That's Bazerkeley

On the personal quest to tag my life to chronological events I got to thinking the other night I do remember where I was during a few major earthquakes, and those earthquakes where easy to look up on the web;

Feb 9th, 1971 at 601 am (22 yrs. old) I had a near death experience. It would have made for a weird headline. "San Fernando Earthquake kills hippie in Pasadena basement, the house is intact, a 30# fire extinguisher fell and crushed his head" (Actually it missed me by a good 8 to 10 inches!) What was I doing sleeping in the basement? That's another story.

May 18th 1980 at 8:32 a.m. (31 yrs. old) Mount St. Helen blows. I did not feel the ground shake, but I did hear the explosion 300+ miles away. I know it for a fact because I was by myself loading rock onto my 2 ton truck (one of many many loads for the rockwork on our two houses and the garden walls) I heard what I thought at the time was someone blasting, later I factored the speed of sound with the distance I was from St Helen and that explained the noise I heard.

Borah Peak Idaho, October 28, 1983, 6:06 A.M. (34yrs. old) Cheri and I are laying in bed in the Studio (before the "big house" was finished) The first thought was that a bear was shaking our back door, then we notice the hanging lamps swinging and realized it was an earthquake. It was centered in Challis Idaho about 350 miles away. In Challis there was extensive damage and two children were killed by falling debris on their way to school.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

California Sunshine

My friends stuck in the "frozen white North" are going to be a bit jealous at today's treats. I drove my car with my windows down and I got to listen to birds singing!!
Flew my plane twice and had a lazy day traveling!

Correction on the 1963 historical blog entry last week. It was actually 1961 and I was thirteen when I cut school that day. I did the math, I left Palo Alto when I graduated from eighth grade I turned fourteen that Summer!
I have one year out of 62 nailed down now, here's another: 1966 I Graduated from High School and I was eighteen.

I thought an image would be nice so here is the Senior class for Pasadena High School, I found it on Google images, This is Pasadena Texas however, our class was much bigger (1100 +/- grads in my class)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Talent Oregon - The ONLY "Talent" in the US

I'm heading for the Bay area for a few weeks of "working" vacation. Made the decision yesterday to fly down to Guatemala in February --- Yahoo!!

I'm trying out this website for lodging (for this little trip, I have a GREAT place to stay in Guatemala.

It's another "power to the people" site, check it out!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

On the road agian - New resolve - New everything

This year I don't think it's going to be the standard travel blog of previous years. I am inspired to write more while out in the wild world, but this years resolve is to:
  1. Stay in the wild world while:
  2. Reflecting and chronicling the phases and transitions in my life (tweet style, 140 characters or less) and:
  3. Take time to reflect on these life experiences that have shaped me (In a longer form but set aside from this blog)
I will keep it fun for me by including photos - old and new,
from time to time a little rhyme
And - Who Knows?

Yes the date is May 20th 1963. I was a school day.
It was at a college party bar in the foothills of Palo Alto
I was 15 Yrs Old!
NEWS AT 11:00

Update: Got to figuring in the middle of the night, it had to be 1961, I left Palo Alto the Summer between 8th and 9th grade - That would make me 13 yrs old for my first "hanging out at the bar" experience.

2011 - getting closer to HEAVEN

140 characters - perfect length for a soundbite. Heard it on NPR must be true.  My goal: ken's life in tweets