Poverty, desperation overcrowded houses and streets are just one wall (topped with razor wire) and a gate (manned with armed guards) away from living conditions many American would envy.
I have talked with many people, Guatemalans and others who think the government here is corrupt beyond the point of no return. All the wrong people are in jail, and the same goes for the people who are paying taxes (the wrong people pay most of them). (Actually, both those sound like the US of A)
Once you are away from the city there are not as many walls, but the contrast still exists. It's more than contrast actually, I think it is a schism. The extremely poor have no connection whatsoever with the world of even the moderately wealthy, As in some eastern countries living with the caste system there are people here who are born into a life of poverty, they will either farm, produce crafts at wages so low that survival is the only goal they have, or they enter the "serving" class. I was talking with an American last week about this, I asked the question: "Is there a road away from this leading towards equality?" His response was quick and sure: "No, there will always be 'haves' and 'have nots' ."For me to believe that is to live a life of despair. We are all in this game together, and survival must be a communal effort. In the past maybe it was acceptable to believe the world could be divided that way. Today there are no more "far away untouched places" nor can our planet (and it's occupants) tolerate much more exploitation.
Here's a quick aside, maybe to put the concept of competition in a new light. The word "competition" has it's roots in Latin, it means "to seek with"
We know now, the Earth is an intimate little world, everything has an effect on everything else.I am encouraged by what I see as a New Wave (Yes it's a cliche, but I like it) That wave is just beginning to swell right now, it's nowhere near cresting,but it's building.
My father a devout Catholic and very learned physicist has put all this together in a concept he called "omni flux" the best I can explain it in words is: Everything everywhere, from the smallest atom to the largest system we can conceptualize is connected by omni flux. Omni flux is the invisible but real connective substance in the universe. What this theory has to do with what I am writing about is this: It is impossible to disconnect yourself from everything around you. Every thought, every action, every purchase, every decision we make sends ripples out that effect everything.
I've come a long way in this little essay just to say this. Next trip to the store of your choice, please take the time to look where something was made. Chances are, if it was made in a third world it was made with virtually slave labor. They are hard to find, and it costs more, but by purchasing fair trade commodities you are voting for a world free of the injustice of extreme poverty.
A few links should you be interested in learning more about fair trade.
Slowfood is about connecting ourselves and our communities to the food we eat, and becoming concious of where it comes from.
Ken Casler
(cc2 creative commons copyright #3.0)
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
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