Seasons Greetings Friends and Thanks for Travelling with Me!
Winter Solstice in Idaho is a special time for me. (This photo taken Dec. 2nd)
In the new Year, I am going to be asking your help and advice.
Thinking Outside of the Box (my podcast) is now listed on iTunes
Three things I will be asking for help with:
- Designing our finished logo (I love Jenica's picture, but not the best logo design)
- I want to expand the content and want to know what your interests are
- I will need your help by subscribing in iTunes and by being a part of the T double Oh TB community (TOOTB = Thinking Outside of the Box,) this "podcast thing" is really about interacting and connecting so please stay in touch, your input is really what makes it special for me.
Your input is what really makes it special for me.
Best wishes my friends Stay in Touch